-Lean Alvarez
Like many, I am often guilty of leaving my writing assignments to the day before or even the day they are due. This procrastination has caused my writing’s quality to not be of my best. I have procrastinated on my college essays, lab reports, and cover letters, which is probably the cause of my not-so-great grades and rejections. It seems so easy to stop procrastinating and start, but why, oh, why am I addicted to leaving things to the last minute? Is it because of the rush I get from the pressure of having it due so soon? Is it because I have trouble focusing on such an enduring task? Or is it because I’m just merely lazy to even start? Perhaps it is all the above. Regardless of the reason, it needs to stop.
In this blog, I will help us understand why people, such as me (and let’s be honest, you as well), procrastinate and touch on some ways on how to break these bad habits and stop procrastinating. To do this, I enlisted the help of a writing professor, fellow college students, and college writing centers.
I hope this blog will be helpful for both me and you, so we may all stop procrastinating and write to the best of our abilities.